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COG Digital Partnering With Deloitte and the Small Business Digital Champions Project

COG Digital is absolutely thrilled to be engaged as website developer digital strategy provider to the Deloitte Small Business Digital Champions Project.

Digital Marketing Agency For Small Business

November 16, 2019

COG Digital is absolutely thrilled to be engaged as website developer digital strategy provider to the Deloitte Small Business Digital Champions Project.

The Small Business Digital Champions project is an Australian Government initiative, they want to make it easier for small businesses to engage with digital technology and reach their potential, to assist them in being more effective, being more competitive and ultimately, more profitable.

As a digital agency we have encountered many small businesses, and what we know to be true is that all business owners are time poor and have little time to get their heads around the latest technology. Reports show that when small businesses are digitally engaged, they are more likely to be making more money, creating more jobs, and more likely to be innovating new products and services.

Our Sydney Digital Agency see this project as one that can have a lot of impact, not only for individual small businesses but also the small business community in which these businesses operate. You see, digital enables business owners to work smarter, not harder (which is often the default position for small busies owners to take). Sadly, research shows that more than 50% of businesses say that if they were able to save time on business processes, they would spend the additional time on work as opposed to other important elects to ones life such as time with family, sleep, or exercise.

Each of the businesses COG Digital works with as part of the Deloitte Small Business Digital Champions Project are paired with a Digital Mentor. The mentors have been selected based off their leadership and success in business or the demonstrated digital innovation represented within their organisations. Each Digital Mentor has leveraged technology to build their own success, and this knowledge along with their experiences and learnings will be shared with the Digital Champions.

Again, COG Digital are not only excited to be involved but also chuffed to have been engaged to provide our website development and digital marketing services to businesses that have been vetted by high calibre consultants. It’s a pat on the back for our Sydney Digital Marketing team.

Digital technology is easy to understand but hard to implement into an exisiting business. Technology in general is a powerful force that drives business forward, it can revolutionise a business by lowering the costs of overheads and operating costs. It can also assist a small to medium sized businesses deliver products and services faster, react to changing customer demands, and embrace new customers locally or internationally that want to purchase from an eCommerce website.

Through our work COG Digital understand that small business owners struggle to really understand how new technology can be injected into an existing business to reduce day to day challenges. When a business is time poor and stressed – technology can often increase this when it is difficult and the unknown.

There is an inherent power to the digital transformation of a small business. COG Digital has transformed hundreds of small to medium businesses and have seen the benefits of taking a business online and into the technological age. Most businesses in Australia are small (just shy of 100%) and they contribute around $393 billion annually to our economy (specifically in 2018). Small business Australia employs just under 6 million people (half of the Australian private sector workforce!). Not many people truly understand that small businesses create the majority of Aussie jobs and drive the future success off our nation.

Data from ABS shows that only half of Australian businesses have a website, and of these less are using technology and software for accounting and invoicing. But again, further research has proven that when small businesses are digitally engaged, more than half the time they are more likely to be growing revenue, creating jobs and innovating new products or services.


The Small Business Digital Champions Project will help small businesses to be more effective, competitive and ultimately, more profitable. COG Digital’s role is to use our Sydney Digital Agency resources and experience to guide our small business clients through their digital transformation journey by providing specific advice and executing digital activity such as websites, eCommerce, Google Ads, Social Media, Email Marketing and connecting CRMs and inventory management softwares. As a service COG Digital understand our professional opinion and advice is sought after, and this position in the The Small Business Digital Champions Project will allow our Sydney Digital Agency to assist and provide practical, industry specific advice that will highlight the impacts going digital will have in helping our small business clients reach their full potential.

Digital tools are numerous, and COG Digital ensure our clients are introduced to the most appropriate for their business and market. The atomisation and digitisation of business processes frees up time for business owners – this is critical to not only the business, but the well being of the people in the business and our general society in general. Reducing stress and anxiety levels via well built and implemented technology and digital products is something COG Digital know to be true.

A key service offering from our agency is COG Digital, being a key part of the group in charge of digital transformations for small to medium sized businesses. Our digital specialists undertake initial digital assessments of our clients digital touchpoints and assets, gathering key business information and identifying the specific digital requirements which will deliver the most benefit. In determining the most appropriate digital products and services that will match our clients needs, COG Digital also combine the resources and skills required to carry this advised suite of digital activity forward, whether it be autonomously or with the help of COG Digital via a service level agreement.

If you are a small to medium sized business in Australia and need to transform your business, get in touch with our agency today. We’re experts at connecting brand to business and our focus is small business. Call (02) 9523 6007

Over time it’s become apparent that our skill is in being able to provide value when others are not able – and this continues to remain a core part of the COG Branding purpose.

Our purpose is to nurture opportunities through to success and to create more time for business owners.

COG Branding leads as a technology and small business consultancy and operates as a brand and marketing agency. Our team has a high digital literacy ensuring the solutions and services we supply small businesses and brands are the most appropriate for the business, the most innovative and commercially viable. 

Our Sydney Branding Agency has two primary functions. The first is to deliver a dynamic consulting service to Australian small businesses, which includes the transfer of knowledge, advice and strategic processes that are purposefully built to make them more profitable, sustainable and enjoyable.

The COG Branding structure ensures we are providing brand, marketing and technology solutions for Australian small businesses that are underpinned by true value. Our approach is in large part due to the strong structure of our broader business model. It’s COG Branding’s mandate to continually push hard and assist Australia in becoming more innovative, competitive and prosperous.

COG Branding is human first. Great technology and software requires smart humans to guide and manage how they are implemented. Our delivery of digital solutions have smart people at the centre, orchestrating customised strategies that use a variety of applications to obtain efficiency and operate optimally for Australian small businesses. We offer both packaged products and customised services – because not all of our clients’ businesses are the same.

We know you need a trusted professional brand and marketing agency to support your business. We’re focused on providing first class lead generation and digital marketing services, where services are affordable, simple to understand yet deliver leads and perform well.

With this clarity on our clients needs, our experienced trusted Sydney digital agency offers free quotes and consultations, so to start succeeding online call us today. (+61 2) 9523 6007

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