Ads That Keep You Ahead Of The Curve. Drive Return On Investment With Expert Digital Marketing.
From COG Digitals founding in 2008 to the today, digital marketing has always been at the core of how we help our clients. Its a broad term made up of many moving parts but its business critical activity.
The Digital marketing suite of services is a detailed collective of online activities that we’ve honed into a fine art, with teams dedicated to our clients unique goals and outcomes, we work alongside you in a collaborative process to smash through your challenges and get results.
We know there is no one-size-fits-all approach. For COG Digital Sydney agency, smarter digital marketing means getting to know our clients business, we need to understand what makes their business tick, then building a custom solution from the ground upwards to help them reach their goals. Smarter digital marketing means knowing what tools and strategy is needed from the brief – we’re really good at this.
Our digital marketing Skills and services include paid performance and organic search, Social media campaigns in Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, direct, content, funnel, video, nurture, awareness, data-driven insights and marketing optimisation, Custom-created lead generation campaigns.
COG Digital is an independent digital marketing agency obsessed with performance. We focus on digital marketing activity that begins looking at customer acquisition right though to executing and measuring advertising solutions that deliver scalable results
We know our clients want to have digital marketing that delivers immediate, measurable and effective results while building recognition for their brand. We also know that our clients want to attribute the impact of customer actions back to their advertising. Our services for our clients deliver instructions such as knowing what levers to pull to optimise our clients cross platform advertising performance. Our approach is to employ a data-centric approach to confidently predict future outcomes and utilise tools to unearth actionable insights that inform strategy (COG Strategy is our strategic arm of COG Branding).
COG Digital is 100% Australian and we’re proud to employ and support Australian careers and new web design graduates from university and college. Utilising the strength of the COG Branding Group, all our clients design and branding projects receive the support from the structure of the COG Branding group enables high quality design outcomes for all our clients branding projects.
Learn more about Digital Marketing services and click here or call (02) 9523 6007.