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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

COG Digital is a marketing agency with SEO as a key pillar to our methodologies for small business. High value and sustainable strategies begin with Google Search considerations.

COG Digital's approach is underpinned by Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Small businesses need an owned media strategy, and SEO is key.

Our approach to SEO is all-encompassing.

When we’re repairing websites we will undertake a comprehensive audit that considers our clients entire business model, the brand, your customers, competition and the website itself. When we’re building a website from scratch we will include our proprietary EEAT hub and spoke methodology throughout the website site architecture, and propose a content plan.

COG Digital are SEO experts that have the technical understanding of how search engines will index your website, from the domain name right down through the sitemap, into keywords and out into backlinks with high DA.

COG Digital is a Sydney digital agency, specialising in Search Engine Optimisation. Our Google search experts understand that most high intent customers for most business types will commence their own research, beginning with searching through Google search pages and a range of organic results on page one of their search queries.

Search Engine Optimisation works in unison with Search Engine Marketing (SEM), the yin and yang of digital marketing. Your website without traffic and high intent users is not ideal – Search Engine Optimisation is the sustainable fuel (SERP’s) as are high ranking pages and posts. As COG Digital is also a web development agency, we know at website launch the website will not get indexed at reach first page of organic Google search on page one immediately, thus the relationship of the SEO strategy with a sophisticated Search Engine Marketing campaign will assist the website and it’s ability to be crawled and indexed to achieve short term results.

As a leading Sydney digital marketing agency COG Digital, SEO is a fundamental digital marketing initiative we propose to most businesses we partner with. Our team follow the latest trends and keep up to date with SEO gurus like Neil Patel. We use tools like SEMrush, Google Search Console and Analytics to read data and understand what our activities are achieving for our clients, plus make it simple by providing our clients portals like COG Analytics to access their data 24/7. We integrate our digital marketing services and ensure our Content Marketing plans intersect with content optimisation (including the use of tools like Wordstream).

The fine balance of human use and AI technology within real customer connections is always part of our SEO strategies and we’re continually following the latest trends at Google Search Central to stay up to date with Bard and language modelling (like Chat GPT).

As people spend more time online, and use Google as their primary starting location, search engine traffic will continually account for the majority of inbound traffic to websites. COG Digital search works include a SEO strategy that outlines how we’ll together build traffic that’s going to meet our clients online strategy and business objectives. Conversions are considered customer actions that include purchases, bookings, contact form submissions, referrals to other users, subscribing to a database or a phone call.

We know that Search Engine Optimisation is a daily process and is one of the more technical marketing initiatives. Our commitment to this marketing discipline means our SEO experts are constantly monitoring, and adapting accounts and website parameters to ensure we’re bring in the highest quality traffic leads through our clients websites.

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