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School Surfing NSW Website

COG Digital are proud to support the School Surfing NSW (SSNSW) website. A CMS Wordpress website.

Web Development For Small Business

June 3, 2017

COG Digital are proud to support the School Surfing NSW (SSNSW) website.  A CMS WordPress website.

The brief was to launch a new website quickly and to a neat budget, which would give this small NSW school program a voice and online location. COG Digital was also required to migrate the website to a new hosting environment and manage inbound customer emails as part of the support relationship.

School Surfing NSW (SSNSW) exists to support government and non-government schools in the provision of opportunities for students to undertake surfing within their school’s curriculum. School Surfing NSW services the coastal fringe of NSW from Bega High School in the south to Tweed Heads High in the north.

The School Surfing NSW Website needed to offer registration forms, annual calendar of events, news feed and contact forms which would allow teachers to manage the inbound emails and questions from students from all over NSW. With a audience strong in social media it needed to connect and display easily in social media channels, and support the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). All contact forms had spam protection and also the required plugins to block robot spam. The website was built for COG Digital to maintain technical and security features, and to manage inbound traffic against for students against their targeted search keywords. Traffic projects would be supported as the website had a Google analytics account created and connected to the website.

COG Digital delivers support that allows easy administrator access for multiple users of different levels of security, and enable easy content updates.

A News and Blog feature was implemented and optimised for content, which could be posted by numerous admin users. Blog posting supported text, image and video content, as well as social media one click sharing across channels such as Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.

COG Digital continues to support School Surfing NSW Website with website hosting, digital contentSEO and SEM and ongoing administration.

Please visit the School Surfing NSW website here >

To read more about COG Digital CMS Websites please visit here >

The COG Branding structure ensures we are providing brand, marketing and technology solutions for Australian small businesses that are underpinned by true value.

Our approach is in large part due to the robust structure of our broader business model. It’s COG Branding’s mandate to continually push hard and assist Australia in becoming more innovative, competitive and prosperous.

COG Branding leads as a technology and small business consultancy and operates as a brand and marketing agency. Our team has a high digital literacy ensuring the solutions and services we supply small businesses and brands are the most appropriate for the business, the most innovative and commercially viable. 

Our Sydney Branding Agency has two primary functions. The first is to deliver a dynamic consulting service to Australian small businesses, which includes the transfer of knowledge, advice and strategic processes that are purposefully built to make them more profitable, sustainable and enjoyable.

COG Branding is human first. Great technology and software requires intellectual humans to guide and manage how they are implemented. Our delivery of digital solutions have intellectual people at the heart, composing customised strategies that use a variety of applications to obtain efficiency and operate optimally for Australian small businesses. We offer both packaged products and customised services – because not all of our clients’ businesses are the same.

Our purpose is to create more time for business owners, and to nurture opportunities through to success. Over time it’s become apparent that our skill is in being able to provide value when others are not able – and this continues to remain a core part of the COG Branding purpose.

We know you need a trusted professional brand and marketing agency to support your business. We’re focused on providing first class lead generation and digital marketing services, where services are affordable, simple to understand yet deliver leads and perform well.

With this clarity on our clients needs, our experienced trusted Sydney digital agency offers free quotes and consultations, so to start succeeding online call us today. (+61 2) 9523 6007

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