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Knowing How And Why You Need To Implement Processes And Governance

In this guide you’ll learn how and why you need to implement processes and governance. COG Digital Agency Sydney are experts in marketing.

Digital Marketing Agency For Small Business

March 26, 2018

In this guide you’ll learn how and why you need to implement processes and governance.

COG Digital Agency Sydney are experts in marketing. Our skilled professionals focus on building brand equity and ensure that campaigns deliver against our clients brand image.

Technology enables the customer experience, but it requires people, processes, and governance to ensure technology does what it’s supposed to do.

In short, if the company doesn’t embrace it, it will fail.

The failure to establish clear guidelines for how business units might pilot new technologies, how data will be shared across the organization, or which capabilities will be managed
in-house versus by external agencies (ie: COG Digital) could result in a patchwork of efforts across the enterprise that result in confusion and are a detriment to the scaling up of campaigning or projects.

To address this challenge, one global consumer-packaged-goods company rethought its entire approach to launching a new product in to their market, beginning with a complete overhaul of the marketing brief.

The existing briefing process was not a standard one which resulted in varying levels of input, lack of clarity around the insights that were driving the campaign, loose definitions of the goals of the campaign, and inconsistencies regarding the specific role of the supplier agency, as well as that of the internal team.

As would be expected, much time was wasted as both the briefs and campaign development underwent multiple iterations. It’s easy to waste time when not properly governed.

An innovative approach requires each stakeholder involved in the product launch to participate in the creation of any briefs.

Having everyone at the marketing meet at campaign kick off formalises responsibilities while aligning roles and resources ahead of time that  ensures mitigating the “land grabs” that can occur with bigger projects and multiple stakeholders (ie: external agencies).

In addition, innovative approaches and forward thinking to the implementation of processes in any digital marketing effort brings everyone together at the beginning which makes for stronger briefs, and generates a healthy debate on key issues – which ideally is required prior to agency handover.

As COG Digital would take the lead in a campaign launch and identify which key performance indicators should be measured, and how and where to incorporate feedback loops that would allow our clients teams to tweak and iterate after launch. A new approach will likely pay off by saving the time spent writing a marketing brief and rolling out a new product or service.

Establishing such clarity up front requires the client to be a strong orchestrator and the agencies to stick to their defined roles.

Rather than being restrictive, this level of company governance in digital marketing can enhance creativity, as it frees company team members to focus on their responsibilities instead of wasting time and energy jockeying for position internally. As we all know Marketing and Campaigns are sometimes the most fun and high energy projects in any organisation.

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Need A Digital Marketing expert?
Call our Sydney office (+61 2) 9523 6007

COG Branding is human first. Great technology and software requires smart humans to guide and manage how they are implemented. Our delivery of digital solutions have smart people at the centre, orchestrating customised strategies that use a variety of applications to obtain efficiency and operate optimally for Australian small businesses. We offer both packaged products and customised services – because not all of our clients’ businesses are the same.

Our purpose is to create more time for business owners, and to nurture opportunities through to success.

Over time it’s become resolute that our skill is in being able to provide value when others are not able – and this continues to remain a core part of the COG Branding purpose.

COG Branding leads as a technology and small business consultancy and operates as a brand and marketing agency. Our team has a high digital literacy ensuring the solutions and services we supply small businesses and brands are the most appropriate for the business, the most innovative and commercially viable.

We understand that you need a trusted professional brand and marketing agency to support your business. We’re adamant on providing first class lead generation and digital marketing services, where services are affordable, simple to understand yet bring leads and perform well. With this clarity on our clients needs, our experienced trusted Sydney digital agency offers free quotes and consultations.

Our Sydney Branding Agency has two primary functions. The first is to deliver a dynamic consulting service to Australian small businesses, which includes the sharing of knowledge, advice and strategic processes that are purposefully created to make them more profitable, sustainable and enjoyable.

The COG Branding structure ensures we are providing brand, marketing and technology solutions for Australian small businesses that are underpinned by true value. Our approach is in large part due to the robust structure of our broader business model. It’s COG Branding’s mandate to continually push hard and assist Australia in becoming more innovative, competitive and prosperous.

To start succeeding online, call us today: (+61 2) 9523 6007


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