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Content Marketing

COG Digital are Sydney’s Content Marketing experts. Our team strategically implements digital content to perform as a key driver of our clients online success.

We’re a Small Business Sydney Content Marketing Agency providing SME’s a suite of digital marketing content solutions optimised for affordability, performance and value.

A COG Digital campaign communicates values, ideals, insights and stories – we’re commercially savvy builders of online content marketing campaigns.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing is used by leading brands. Simply put, Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Content marketing goes further that just pitching your products or services. With content marketing you are providing truly relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers to help them solve their issues. By doing this you can elevate your brand while simultaneously increasing brand awareness and brand recall.

How Does Content Marketing Work?

At COG Digital, we approach content development and design with consideration to the management requirements and the key objectives in which the content needs to meet. We know that content will only perform optimally within a strategic framework if it supports the broader brief. Part of our methodology in content marketing and analysis is to understand how the content is performing during the campaign – we’re also proactive in community support.

All COG Digital marketing content is built to spec and brief, and our digital designers pride themselves on creating bespoke and original works of art. While we’re experts at filling up websites with banner sliders, photos, videos and text content, we also produce online advertising content such as med recs and leaderboards for the Google Display Network and all Social Media channels. Our digital design studio can also produce animation, 3D Rendering, Photomontages, GIF Graphics, and kinetic text designs. We approach all our clients projects with passion, pride and creativity.

COG Digital is supported by COG Strategy and COG Design when designing digital content. Having this skill set for for all our work ensures a forward thinking approach using key insights from research ensures our work pursues premium results for our clients.

Why Choose Content Marketing?

COG Digital knows that content marketing is important for your businesses bottom line and also your customers. Specifically, there are three key reasons — and benefits — for enterprises that use content marketing:

  • Increased sales
  • Cost savings
  • Better customers who have more loyalty

But how does content marketing achieve this?

Content marketing helps your business by found by the right people

Consumers in your target market are asking questions and looking for information via search engines like Google, and you want your business to be at the top of the search results. Answering people’s questions via blog posts, e-books, videos, and other content assets or having people engage with your content on Social Media channels is a key way to make this happen. COG Digital are also experts in Social Media Marketing.

Content marketing builds your business an interested and engaged audience

Your content is only as valuable as its ability to attract audience members and compel them to engage with your business on an ongoing basis. This is why quality content is so important! You want consumers to become subscribers, customers, evangelists, or, ideally, all three. Once you have an addressable audience, your content marketing efforts can help to increase sales, gather customer insights, and transform your ardent followers into brand advocates.

Content marketing helps your business acquire new customers

Generating revenue is a key goal for many marketers and business owners. Content marketing can be a powerful force when correctly harnessed. When you build an audience that trusts you and wants to hear from you, they are more likely to purchase your products.

Content marketing helps to increase revenue with existing customers

An additional reason that businesses should use content marketing is to create more loyal customers. Content marketing has the potential to increase sales through cross-selling or up-selling. In some cases, the brand can monetise content itself.

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