In this guide you’ll learn why it’s important to develop a deep understanding of your customers.
COG Digital Agency Sydney are experts in marketing. Our skilled professionals focus on building brand equity and ensure that campaigns deliver against our clients brand image.
Like any meaningful relationship, getting to know and understand your customers / clients well is a commitment and it takes time.
Tracking, assessing and interpreting customer behaviour and attitudes should be an ongoing undertaking which is critical not only to targeting and crafting relevant content and experiences but also in optimising how they’re delivered. An important capability given that during the buying process consumers add an average of 1.7 brands to those they are considering.
This requires sophisticated tools to analyze customer segments and their behaviour to spot opportunities and predict future actions.
Companies should map detailed customer decision journeys for their most valuable segments, using technologies such as Google Analytics, which track customers across channels to not only determine their cross-channel behaviour but also isolate those moments where your business can possibly influence the journey.
Funnelling these insights into strategic digital marketing requires processes and a skilled team that focus on collecting and deciphering the data, as well as promptly delivering the analysis in a coherent and easily understood form to the right decision makers in the business.
Scaling this capability means companies like yours need to automate processes that don’t require human intervention, for example, personalizing web pages, delivering e-mail, or developing online dashboards (ie: Google Drive Spreadsheets) for Marketing Managers to track your customers behaviours.
Most Australian businesses are only at the beginning of developing comprehensive customer-insights programs.
While establishing “marketing business centres” to monitor and react to social-media conversations is a great example of how companies are sliding in that direction, what’s needed are organisations that are ready to integrate data and make sense of all sources of customer insights.
One global pest control chain, for example, has combined its customer-research group and marketing-analytics group in an effort to better understand its customers—specifically, those who engage with their marketing, use their different services, and return year on year.
These two groups have been combined into one insights team that reports directly to the chief marketing officer.
COG Branding is formed on a focus of human first.
Great technology and software requires smart humans to guide and manage how they are implemented. Our delivery of digital solutions have smart people at the centre, orchestrating customised strategies that use a variety of applications to obtain efficiency and operate optimally for Australian small businesses. We offer both packaged products and customised services – because not all of our clients’ businesses are the same.
Our purpose is to provide more time for business owners, and to take care of opportunities through to success. Over time it’s become apparent that our skill is in being able to provide value when others cannot – and this continues to remain a core part of the COG Branding purpose.
COG Branding leads as a technology and small business consultancy and operates as a brand and marketing agency. Our team has a high digital literacy ensuring the solutions and services we supply small businesses and brands are the most appropriate for the business, the most innovative and commercially viable.
Our Sydney Branding Agency has two primary functions. The first is to deliver a dynamic consulting service to Australian small businesses, which includes the transfer of knowledge, advice and strategic processes that are purposefully built to make them more profitable, sustainable and enjoyable.
The COG Branding structure ensures we are providing brand, marketing and technology solutions for Australian small businesses that are underpinned by true value. Our approach is in large part due to the robust structure of our broader business model. It’s COG Branding’s mandate to continually push hard and assist Australia in becoming more innovative, competitive and prosperous.
We know you need a trusted professional brand and marketing agency to support your business. We’re focused on providing first class lead generation and digital marketing services, Where services are affordable, simple to understand yet deliver leads and perform well.
With this clarity on our clients needs, our experienced trusted Sydney digital agency offers quotes and consultations free of charge. To start succeeding online call us today.
To learn more about why your business should be using sophisticated data and analytics to track your users and customers, download the free PDF eBook below.
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