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10 Reasons to Invest in Social Media Marketing

These 10 Reasons on why you should invest in Social Media Marketing shouldn’t make you feel uneasy in the stomach! We don’t blame you for being sheepish. As a leading Digital Agency in Sydney we also get bombarded with offshore offers of ‘SEO’ and ‘Digital Marketing’ for $1 a Day’ type scams. Though You can […]

Digital Marketing Agency For Small Business

January 31, 2019

These 10 Reasons on why you should invest in Social Media Marketing shouldn’t make you feel uneasy in the stomach!

We don’t blame you for being sheepish. As a leading Digital Agency in Sydney we also get bombarded with offshore offers of ‘SEO’ and ‘Digital Marketing’ for $1 a Day’ type scams.

Though You can get it done right, to budget and most importantly deliver a return (ROAS).

We know that in the general corporate business world, networking events suck in a huge amount of budget – yet they seldom deliver a transparent ROI. With little guarantee on a return from a networking event, it seems this standard channel for business growth is perhaps more risky than Social Media!

Many small to medium sized Australia businesses understand that Social Media can drive business growth at a competitive cost in comparison to other marketing activities. Though it’s the bigger companies that are reluctant to shift reactively when it comes to social media marketing.

Sydney marketers are spending millions of dollars of social media advertising in 2018, and 2019 will see this continue. Correct, that’s a lot of cash. Though rising above the dollar amount is an insight that should be clear for Sydney marketers: Investing in social media marketing is an expectation, not an exception to the rule.

So then why Invest in Social Media Marketing?

While we understand that there are solid and proven benefits of social media marketing and social media advertising – we need to make sure you do too. Whether you’re operating a brick-and-mortar business, an ecommerce website site or a retail shop.

From social media facts and figures to success stories in action, below are 10 reasons why small medium and large brands should start investing social media advertising.

1. Your Target Audience is Present

The public in general are pouring hours and hours into Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter on a daily basis. Many checking in on social media platforms multiple times per day – know that your customers are doing the same.

The takeaway here is that rather than hoping and praying for traffic to come to you, social media presents an avenue to approach your audience directly. Whether through remarketing ads or shoutouts on Instagram, your audience is more than willing to engage with their brands they support.

2. Social Media Advertising Have an Amazing Return On Investment.

The hype over social media ads over the past couple of years is about much more than just hyperbole. Facebook (and of course Instagram) have invested heavily in making their advertising platform incredibly powerful in terms of audience targeting.

Want to go after bounced traffic that didn’t complete a sale? What about folks from your email list? Looking to zero in on people based on their behaviors and interests on Facebook?

Yeah, you can do all of that and more to make sure that your ads are targeting exactly who you want. The end result is more clicks and conversions and better return on your investment.

Oh, and not to mention that Facebook and Instagram ads allow brands to get crazy in terms of creativity. From videos and carousels to eye-popping photo ads, your sponsored posts aren’t stuck with the stench of a sales pitch.

3. Strengthen YourWebsite Backlinks

Social media’s status as an SEO ranking factor is always questionable, though you can’t ignore the do-follow. As Google Analytics has an specific social media traffic indicator is just another indicator to the link-building power of social media lead generation.

Not only is content marketing via social totally free, but also helps you warm relationships that lead to link-building opportunities.

The more shares you can score, the more likely you are to receive some sweet, sweet link juice over time. If nothing else, covering the various social channels ups provide new avenues for people to land on your site.

4. Tap into to Granular Audience Traffic Data

Social Media analytics (like Facebook Insights) can provide valuable data on your target audience and customers.

From uncovering demographics that you didn’t know were relevant to your business to figuring out which content performs the best, this data is key to crafting future campaigns.

5. Building Your Brand Awareness.

Social Media for business is about so much more than just traffic. Think User Brand Experience!

Unlike AdWords or other paid marketing channels, the key benefits of social media marketing boil down to branding and awareness. In short, people want to know what you’re all about before they make a purchase.

And if you’re a local business, people are likely to look you up via social to check out your hours or contact information. Besides, your social media profiles might even outrank the likes of your actual website.

6. Automatically Optimise Your Brand for Mobile Users.

Mobile optimisation is a mandatory Sydney marketers given that mobile phone usage is winning over desktop computers these days.

The good news? With an active social presence, being optimised for mobile is an afterthought. Given how easy is it to connect with brands through Facebook or Instagram versus a potentially clunky website, social media offers a mobile-friendly avenue to engage with customers without doing any legwork yourself.

7. Swift Customer Service.

The growing expectation for brands and businesses to be available around the clock is the new norm.In fact, some social media users expect a response from brands within an hour.

Social media provides a constant point of contact between you and your customers. The ability to respond quickly and in real-time prevents potential customers from bouncing.

8. Focusing on Engagement Over One-Off Sales.

Assessing the direct dollars ROI from social media can be difficult, so remember the Brand Experience is valuable too.

That’s because social focuses on engagement rather than ramming a one-off sale down your customers’ throats.

Instead, you’re playing the long-game of building a community that’s in love with you and your products. By establishing a relationship with your customers through your social content, you have your very own tribe that you can sell to time and time again. Difference is that they’ll actually want to hear from you.

In a sense, it’s all about finding a balance between relationships and sales. For example, brands like Stelly show off their products via Instagram……but also post content with personality to win over their followers versus just going after their wallets.

9. Get On Board with Influencer Marketing Even Though It’s Seems Difficult and More Like PR.

Social Media Influencer Marketing has become a unique business in itself. It allows brands a more authentic avenue to market their products and position their brand.

And there’s no better place to find influencers of all shapes and sizes than Instagram.

Influencer marketing almost exclusively happens via social and represents a sort of new wave of social commerce. For those who doubt the financial ROI of a strong social presence, look no further than the numbers of how much brands pay influencers.

10. Social Media is A Magical Opportunity to Curate User-Generated Content.

Whether you’re bogged down with creative ideas or are just needing to give your digital marketing a more personal touch, customer created content is where it’s at.

Representing a powerful form of social proof, user-generated content is well-documented for encouraging customer interactions and winning over buyers. If you have satisfied customers showing you off via Instagram, use them as part of your future marketing campaigns.

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