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Social Media – Facebook and Instagram – a diddy about two channels

To expand on that in a little more depth, these particular social media users look for ‘fun’ on both platforms. Although Instagram ‘fun’ is “encountering the unexpected” while on Facebook ‘fun’ its all about discovering videos of funny cats, GIF’s or other types of ROTFLMAO.

Digital Marketing Agency For Small Business

July 23, 2016

To a social media professional, duplicating your Facebook content on Instagram is almost like to turning up to a undercover party wearing your ugg boots, carrying a week’s food shopping and stating to the door man of the party you’ve got the secret handshake down.

It’s a socially awkard move, a cringe-worthy move in the eyes of this parties guests

A metaphor that perhaps is a little full on, though it paints a picture. To truly explore this diddy of of two very different news channels, Facebook Insights has released some recent data on how user behaviour differs between Facebook and Instagram with lead IQ researcher Vicki Molina-Estolono. Rick insights back up a lot of what COG Digital have begun to understand with the work we produce for our clients using these social media channels. In summary the key discoveries:

The difference between the Facebook social media channel and the Instagram social media channel for users is what exactly?

“Facebook users are satisfying a need for empowerment, recognition and connection, while Instagram users are looking for fun, relaxation and discovery,” according to Vicki Molina-Estolono.

To expand on that in a little more depth, these particular social media users look for ‘fun’ on both platforms. Although Instagram ‘fun’ is “encountering the unexpected” while on Facebook ‘fun’ its all about discovering videos of funny cats, GIF’s or other types of ROTFLMAO.

What digital Facebook and Instagram content works where?
An example this from Facebook IQ is of the Melbourne Cup, where users were seeking Instagram content for behind-the-scenes action to fashion and celebrities, where on the Facebook channel it was animal rights opinions and live reactions that stole the FB show. Brands can take these insights to test more behind-the-scenes content on Instagram and more live conversations on Facebook. For a food brand, Facebook can become the  place for news and branded product offers, while the Instagram social channel focuses on stunning visuals of the actual product in production. Candy to the eye, scroll stopping moments.

Is there a gender split between the Facebook social media channel and the Instagram social media channel?
For the boys in the markets tested, the platforms were also seen as more practical, whilst for women in those same markets they were seen as personal. Men are more likely to use the channels as an organisational tool whilst the gals keep it more personal, and focus on using it as a communication tool for their immediate network. The emotional tone of a brand’s content, depending on your audience, could be well-steered by this insight.

And the folks, the parents, the oldies?
Regarding the type of digital content that catches the eye of the older social media channel user, Facebook was more about looking for updates from those in their immediate circle of family and friends, and news and comedy content. Instagram remained the channel to browse information on celebrity lives, fashion and beauty.

The kids, the millenials, the childs?
They’re more likely to be interested in video content, and prefer to follow content related to fashion, beauty and interior design on Instagram specifically rather than on Facebook. Digital Marketing to this bunch is always changing by the way, crafty shifty lot they are.

In summary, we used to compare user behaviours around the Television, radio and print to detail strategies for creative – the need for understanding behaviours across social channels is even more salient. We now have a comprehensive bucket of global insights on how user behaviour to the 2 biggest advertising channels ever made.

The focus should still be the big smashign sensational idea when it comes to digital marekting on social media, though it’s key to tweak how that idea comes to life on these two platforms when it comes down to a channel level. Use insights from COG Digital if you’re a client, also the learnings from your own content performances, understand your traffic and audience insights using any data sets you can get your hands on to ensure a more informed creative output. And of course, always continue to test, re-test and strive to do better than you’re last effort.

Don’t just wear your Ugg Boots everywhere.

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