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Cyber Security: Is Your Business An Easy Target?

Cyber attacks against Australian small businesses are rising and the risks are spreading, particularly with the rise of SME’s storing data locally, in the cloud and using online services more than ever.

Web Development For Small Business

October 6, 2022

Cyber attacks against Australian small businesses are rising and the risks are spreading, particularly with the rise of SME’s storing data locally, in the cloud and using online services more than ever.
The impact of a cyber attack on a business can be extremely harmful – exposure of customer details, reputation damage, forensic examination, crisis and PR management, fines and penalties, litigation and other liabilities. The recovery can be costly and lengthy.

Small Australian brands and business cyber security threats

As your business stores more data and uses more online services it becomes a prime target for criminals.

Consequences of external attacks, internal security breaches, and internet abuse can be serious for your business and your customers.

Size is really irrelevant when it comes to online crime and fraud and smaller businesses can be easier targets because of stretched IT resources.

The rate of cyber security incidents for Small Businesses is now over 70%, and many COG Digital clients have experienced a cyber security incident and have little knowledge before or after it. The main barriers for implementing good practices in cyber security is mostly a small business having no dedicated IT staff, or understand how to plan for cyber security and implement protocols. Responding to incidents is usually completely unknown to many of COG Digital clients, so underestimating risks, and having an inability to identify security weaknesses including simply not knowing where to begin is very common, and it’s here COG Digital can assist.

What was once random, cyber attacks in recent years have become more organised and targeted with the goal of financial gain.

Our best advise is to make your business difficult to target

While the internet is a fantastic business enabler, and seems easy to load images on Instagram, protecting your business and brand against cyber threats has become increasingly complicated and it’s vital to have a robust cyber security strategy in place. Here are some guidelines for cyber security best practices:

  1. Protect against malware, the malicious software designed to infiltrate or damage a PC or network. Secure your computers with adequate firewalls and antivirus software. The on-board firewall on your internet router isn’t enough nowadays with the complexity of malware.
  2. Protect PCs with security software that resides on the PC and doesn’t hinder your PC, laptop or network’s performance. The best protection against a data breach will encompass identity theft, risky websites and hacker attacks within a single solution.
  3. Ensure you’re using the best available threat intelligence. Manual or infrequent updates for your security software open the door to threats.
  4. Penetration testing will simulate a cyber attack to test for vulnerabilities. Run a ‘pen test’ once your cyber security strategy is in place to test its effectiveness on your information security.
  5. Select a single console solution with location awareness to keep tabs on mobile users, PCs and servers.
  6. Employ anti-spam software to block risks and prevent distractions for employees.
  7. Develop a comprehensive policy and include awareness training. Teach and re-teach employees about security requirements. Make risks and security transparent. More than 80% of all data loss is caused by human error, either sending out confidential or sensitive information to the wrong people, or in an unsecured way.
  8. Advise employees about the type of information that’s confidential and what potential problems can arise if this kind of information gets out.
  9. Have a social media policy with enforceable guidelines for employees. Empower employees and customers with best practices and guidelines.
  10. Protect using strong passwords. Time out old passwords and require password changes frequently. Automate updates. URL filtering can limit access to unproductive or risky sites completely.
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Cyber security awareness is key

COG Digital Agency Sydney are a security partner that offer Managed IT Services with a proven track record of defence against multiple cyber security threats, with experience of small and medium businesses, especially for businesses that need low level assistance with emails, domains and websites security assistance.

  • Build a solid relationship with your security partner so you always have a trusted and unbiased adviser when needed, particularly in emergencies. One who’ll help you choose a solution that will grow with your business needs and protect your IT investment. Consider a security partner who can remotely manage your security solution for you.
  • Share and advocate best practices across the business and team members who can drive best practise through the business.
  • Look for solutions that make workflow and automation do the work for you, that’s what digital solutions should do where humans are not the best solution for the job.
  • Don’t rely on old antivirus tools. New methods of detection perform the equivalent of background checks on email senders, files, and websites to protect better and faster without slowing your PCs.
  • Automate operating systems (OS) updates so they deploy quickly and automatically. Make it simple for your PCs to have the latest patches. The vulnerabilities in your OS are key enablers of attacks. Ensure to deploy these patches quickly and automatically.
  • Require and check patch compliance. Give your users details about versions of software they need and how to check which version they have. Provide links and directions on how to update to the correct version.

We’re a Sydney Digital Marketing Agency that has two primary functions. The first is to deliver a dynamic consulting service to Australian small businesses, which includes the transfer of knowledge, advice and strategic processes that are purposefully built to make them more profitable, sustainable and enjoyable.

The second key function of COG Digital is to support this consultative service by providing marketing and technology solutions, supported by our at-call team. On offer is a full through-the-line service platform to successfully execute projects for business and brand.

We’re purveyors of value, strategically creating tactics and strategies for our clients’ brands so they can remain lean yet independent and strong. We know when a brand reaches optimal strength it operates with autonomy, allowing business owners more time for critical decision making.

Our purpose has actually been refined by the Australian small business community. We have proprietary processes, workflows and skills though they’ve been refined to fit into real situations.

COG Digital is and always will be about achieving project success together, and this is done by listening to our clients and understanding their customers. Get in touch anytime!

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