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A few key reasons on why you should use a professional email address

Saving a few bucks on your email can be the first thing that stops leads coming through. So you think you’re saving, but you’re actually setting yourself up to lose.

Digital Marketing Agency For Small Business

July 4, 2016

Below are the few high level reasons on why any business should be running with a professional email address structure.

Today email is integrated into our working and personal lives. It isn’t going anywhere so best bet is to set it up right from the beginning. Saving a few bucks on your email can be the first thing that stops leads coming through. You’ll often find it’s costing you in other ways like brand and consumer confidence, the business’s equity and credibility in its market (we’re sure your competitors take email seriously right?), and even in productivity. So you think you’re saving, but you’re actually setting yourself up to lose. It is tempting to run a free service though as you’ll read below, there are a few keys reasons why you’re better off investing in some digital technology and a serious home for your email communications.

A key recognisable link to your website
A pro and slick email address that uses your businesses own domain name makes it easy for customers to look up your company and your website for more information. This also contributes heavily to reassuring them that you are a legitimate and established business, and engenders trust. It’s a great marketing asset too – any email you send, or any time you leave your contact details with someone, you’re also giving them an easy link to your website.

Build a unified online team easily
COG Digital help our clients set up and manage professional email addresses, often bundled with other COG Digital services like Websites and Email Marketing. You can send and manage meeting requests, view your workmates’ calendars and check their availability, and even hold virtual meetings and work on shared documents at the same time using these kinds of tools.

Avoid getting your email sent straight to the junk and spam folders!
Exactly because anyone can sign up for a free email address quickly and easily, they are frequently used by spammers, and as a result are often viewed with suspicion – this is why having a professional email address connected to your own domain is such a trust marker. Some spam and malware filters will automatically disable, or reroute to Junk Mail folders, emails from providers like Hotmail, for example. A professional email address reduces the risk of your business emails bouncing or being sent straight to the trash can.

Communication is key, manage this cleanly.
Organising your incoming mail by assigning particular email addresses to departments or purposes – for example accounts@yourbusinesses.com.au, info@yourcompany.com.au – not only helps you from the perspective of managing your workload, but adds credibility to your business by further reinforcing that you are an established presence.

Promoting a Key identified brand identity and business asset
In business, managing a professional image is part of Brand Management, this is key to any business image. It’s important for keeping your customers’ trust and appearing credible online. When potential or existing customers contact you with questions, or if you reach out to them or to other businesses, using any old dodegy email address won’t do, get pro! Such as welcome@COGbranding.com definitely looks more professional than crazyricko1978@bigwheelsanddeals.com.au right?!

Channeling your email through your business’s domain name proves you’re a legimate act, considerate to the finer points of online marketing, and  that your business is well-established. Immediately it’s likely to make customers feel more comfortable dealing with you.

Get in touch with COG Digital today (02) 9523 6007

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