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Bodyfit: Social Media Digital Marketing for the Gym That Has Got it in One.

Bodyfit launched the brand on social media a decade ago while the Facebook platform was much different than it is today. The brand was managed by staff who had little knowledge of industry technical standards and also little accountability to the quality of accounts, the security and record keeping of the accounts and how to adequately handover credentials on their departure from the business.


Bodyfit were looking to partner with a Sydney Digital agency that specialises in Social Media Performance Paid Marketing and that can provide strategy, content development, research, key insights, creative design concepts and performance conversion focused advertising executions across the Meta platform.


  • Meta Advertising
  • Google Analytics
  • GymSales
  • Paid and Organic Social Media
  • Digital Strategy

The brief

Bodyfit approached COG Digital with a brief to deliver the paid performance social media and digital marketing for the Bodyfit brand and all of its fitness centres across Sydney.

Bodyfit are more than a gym, they are a community. Bodyfit believe everyone should have the right to exercise in a safe, welcoming and fun environment. Bodyfit understand value for money, first class facilities, your wellbeing and a friendly smile from our team are important to you. Bodyfit are devoted to making a difference.

Bodyfit launched the brand on social media a decade ago while the Facebook platform was much different than it is today. The brand was managed by staff who had little knowledge of industry technical standards and also little accountability to the quality of accounts, the security and record keeping of the accounts and how to adequately handover credentials on their departure from the business. COG Digital absorbed the role of account managers and optimised of all accounts to ensure an overhauled social media platform suite and performance based ecosystem. COG Digital also implemented protocols to maintain clean BAU functions.

Bodyfit were looking to partner with a Sydney Digital agency that specialises in Social Media Performance Paid Marketing and that can provide strategy, content development, research, key insights, creative design concepts and performance conversion focused advertising executions across the Meta platform.

The client

Bodyfit are more than a gym, they are a community.

welcoming and fun environment. Bodyfit understand value for money, first class facilities, your wellbeing and a friendly smile from our team are important to you. Bodyfit are devoted to making a difference.

A group of fitness centres across Sydney, Bodyfit is the gym that has Got It In One.

The solution

The COG Digital Solution is a common sense yet tactical approach to managing organic and paid social media performance marketing campaigns, building brand and converting new customers into long term members.

A strong conversion focused approach for all campaigning provided a foundation that supports any Paid and Organic Social Media activity and programs, thus a key part of our brief was to ensure the website was included Social Media Strategy as the full customer journey loop was critical to success.

By having access and control to all Bodyfit digital touchpoints we were able to create a comprehensive eCommerce approach to Facebook and Instagram campaigns that drive leads from various platforms to be converted by a single third party service in GymSales.

Key to successful social media marketing was to generate content that engages the various targeted consumer groups, and stimulates them to take action. Creative assets such as imager, copy and video media that followed the Bodyfit Style Guide was critical to the broader Social Media content planner.

Focused on conversion and reaching new users while maintaining existing members, the COG Digital social media performance paid marketing strategy is a sophisticated and complex network of lead generation marketing that is a key business driver for the Bodyfit business.

The results

  • Growing account (Facebook and Instagram) audience by 300%.
  • Increasing reach, impressions and unique link clicks per campaign while reducing budget waste and spend.
  • Creating 50+ Audience groups and profiles
  • Increased the conversion rate from always-on-acquisition campaigns while optimising and reducing ad spend.

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